In addition to comprehensive consultation, we assess the prospects of success for your outstanding international claims in advance and, if necessary, engage our experts on-site to quickly realize your demands. We act as intermediaries between you and your customer, approaching them in their native language and mindset. This significantly increases the chances of success and, in most cases, avoids a time-consuming and costly procedure.
Diese Prüfmethode liefert ein quantitatives Verfahren zur Bewertung des Grades der antibakteriellen Aktivität.
Die AATCC-100-Prüfmethode ist ein quantitatives Prüfverfahren, mit dem die Wirksamkeit von antibakteriellen Ausrüstungen auf Textilien bestimmt werden kann.
The AATCC 100 test method is a quantitative test method used to determine the efficacy of antibacterial finishes applied to textile materials.